06 Jun PostIndependentzia > #HanIzanikHonaGara NEW book published on 23rd & 26th June 2014 in St. Sebastian, Basque Country (Spain)
On 23rd and 26th June, Dr Igor Calzada presented his new book entitled PostIndependentzia > #HanIzanikHonaGara (PostIndependence > #BeingThereWeAreHere) in ELKAR bookshop in St. Sebastian published by TransLoKal Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making. The book gathers some of the most relevant conclusions of his three-year research on Regional and Social Innovation Studies at the University of Oxford. The original and first edition is in Basque language.
In Europe, milestone changes are taking place in which the right for territories to decide their own future and democratic choices for devolution and independence are becoming issues. This book aims to visualize the Basque Country from the outside, from an international point of view by proposing its real choices and contradictions in a constructive, transformational and entrepreneurial manner.
And what if we were an independent country? What if, starting today, we began to think about independence the very next day and started on a plan of action? That is what PostIndependence is. To that end, the author believes that it is essential that relations with other countries and projects should be bolstered, a place that we would like in the world, to start working on a united strategic action.
- The launch event was on 23rd June at 11AM in Elkar Bookshop in St. Sebastian where it was presented the book by the author and the Basque journalist, Mariano Ferrer.
The book has been published by TranLoKal Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making – Ekintzailetasun Akademikoa Herrigintzarako.
Donostiako Elkar megadendan eta Bilboko libreria Proteo eta Binarion eros liteke. Bestela zuzenean www.postindependence.org webgunean.
The book contains the preliminary conclusions from the research project entitled “Benchmarking Future City-Regions” carried out by Dr Calzada at the University of Oxford with the support of Ikerbasque and the RSA.
More info please contact: info@translokal.com
Here is the Synopsis in English and Basque.
Here is the book cover in English:
Hona hemen liburuaren azala euskeraz:
Book promo video by @AgustinOtegi @LAStepts graffiti makers, local entrepreneurs (bees).
Here is the book content’s visual summary:
MEDIA SUMMARY / HEMEROTEC(K)A: 23rd – 26th June 2014
The book has been entirely covered by:
1) Newspaper on 24th June 2014: Diario Vasco: Política
By @eldiariovasco Christian Holke
2) “#ContigoEnLaPlaya” programme on the Local TV Station in St Sebastian on 23rd June 2014. TeleDonosti: #ContigoEnLaPlaya
Juan Mari Mañero, Laura Chamorro, Igor Calzada and Mariano Ferrer in the Kontxa Beach in Donostia-St Sebastian.
3) “Airean” programme on the Basque TV Public Channel on 24th June 2014. Euskal Telebista: Airean
Felipe Juaristi, Xabier de la Maza, Jaime Otamendi eta Igor Calzada.
4) “Mezularia” programme on the Basque Radio Public Station in Basque on 25th June 2014. Euskadi Irratia: Mezularia
5) “Ganbara” programme on the Basque Radio Public Station in Spanish on 25th June 2014. Radio Euskadi: Ganbara
6) Berria: Politika on the Basque Newspaper Berria on the 27th June 2014. @Berria bidez elkarrizketa @EnekoitzEsnaola-k burutua.
PostIndependencia [1]: 10 claves para preparar el derecho a decidir en Euskal Herria y en la UE | Aberriberri bloga
Posted at 05:32h, 29 July[…] [1] Resumen del libro realizada por el autor: https://www.igorcalzada.com/2014/06/postindependence […]
Posted at 01:57h, 18 SeptemberEskerrik asko