Radio interview about DSS2016EU Strategic Implications

After I collaborated with the DSS2016EU project, the interviewed me on the local radio station they interviewed me about the strategic implications for the technology applied to Culture, Science and Economy.

Strategic Implications for the Technology applied to Culture, Science and Economy:

The St. Sebastian 2016 network-strategic project is going to be presented in the following days. This project “might” pass the proof and threshold, or it might not pass simply. However, the effort to mobilize and encourage future thoughts and reflections is always useful for the civic society’s active perspective and for the good social health level by putting into practice the sharing of diverse opinions and experiences.

CadenaSer-RadioSanSebastián radio station has asked me about my technical opinion about the project as far as I know it: They asked me about the Shared Knowledge which is already defined as Strategic Lighthouse in the proposal. This may mean Technology.

I added and suggested some implications about what Technology and Share Knowledge Strategic Lighthouse might be in  this kind of EU project. Technology with a human face. How we should suggest to the EU that we are interested in connecting not only our internal geography (honestly, sometimes I think we need to know each other much more than we think) but also connecting our micro-realities with other micro-realities.

Ps: We will see which is going to be the EC’s evaluation reply to that. Pass or not pass, that is the question. It’s as simple as that.

(Keep the fingers crossed 😉 Good luck to the 2016 office team.

Video call snapshot 25(1)

Kultura+Zientzia+Ekonomiari aplikatutako Teknologiaren Eszenario Estrategikoak.
2016ko proiektua aurki izango da bere osotasunean aurkeztua. Donostia, Gipuzkoa eta EuskalH.entzat sare-proiektu estrategiko bat izan “daitekeena”, aurrera atera liteke edo bere horretan geratu. Hala ere, egindako ahalegin eta zeharka sortutako dinamizazio eta hausnarketa lana beti da onuragarri gizarte zibilaren aktibotasun maila olioztatzerako eta hausnarketa anitzak sortzeko, orohar.

Bi-hitz eskatu dizkidate, proiekturako landu den Teknologia eta Ezagutza Partekatua Faro Estrategikoa izan litekeenaz, nere iritzia azaltzeko CadenaSer-RadioSanSebastián-etik gaur.
Ps: Ea bada zer dioten ECekoak. Azken batean, pasatzea edo ez pasatzea. Hori da kontua. Edozein modutan, gurutzatu hatzak. Zorte on 2016Bulegoko Taldekoentzat.

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