30 Sep ‘Nafarroa, Euskal Herria, Independencia desde ahora. Dirección y Estrategia. La articulación del derecho a decidir (Part V)’ paper given at the Public University of Navarra (Basque Country – Spain)
This presentation was delivered on 30th September at the Public University of Navarra in Spain. The conference was held by Alkartasuna Fundation linked with Eusko Alkartasuna political party in the Basque Country (into the EHBildu coalition). The aim of the presentation was to conduct an international and regional context diagnosis by fixing a joint direction and a realistic strategy for Navarra and the Basque Autonomy taking into account the new opportunity that arises to decide a new political status for the city-region. A special consideration was given to the right to decide as a democratic tool and mean in order to gain peacefully independence in 5 year timescale.
The main conclusion of the paper is:
The need to rethink and design real territorial network-driven strategies and policies by considering both Navarra and the Basque Autonomy contexts. This aim should be followed by a joint and coordinated (avoiding domination) strategic framework to the whole separated Basque Country as a divided, complex and asymmetric city-regional context.
In addition, the parties and sides in favour of more devolution and even thinking in the independence as a target, should start acting and behaving insofar as today the territory would be independent rather than waiting for norms and laws to legitimise what they are and the way they act.
Here the summary of the organizer: Alkartasuna Foundation.
Here the presentation given by the author:
Here the video of the presentation. The quality of the sound is not very good. You can listen properly from the website of the Alkartasuna Foundation where you can find the audio of this conference there:
Eskerrik asko Alkartasuna Fundazioari: Hugo, Fernando, Pello, Maiorga, Carlos, Koldo, Ainhoa eta Mireni.
UPNAko ponentzia baino ordubete lehenago Pello Argiñarena eta Juan Kruz Lakastarekin une atsegin bat pasa dut elkarrizketan Euskalerria irrati libre, euskaldun eta alegalean, Iruñerriko Metropoli Foraletik. 01:08:00minututik aurrera hemen duzue entzungai Irailaren 30eko saioaren elkarrizketa.
A continuación, adjunto la entrevista realizada por el Diario de Noticias de Navarra:
Aipatu hitzaldia baino bi egun lehenago,
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