SOAM Network Sovereignties Residence Programme: May-October 2024. Selected Resident. Ammersee (Germany).

From May to October 2024, I had the honor of being a selected resident at the SOAM Network Sovereignties Residence Programme, held at Ammersee, Germany. The programme focuses on the emerging framework of network sovereignties. This concept, explored under the ERC Consolidator BlockchainGov project led by Principal Investigator Dr. Primavera de Filippi and coordinated by Dr. Felix Beer, challenges the traditional nation-state model and offers new pathways for global coordination and collective action.

My presentation, Reimagining Collective Action Beyond the Nation-State, explored how decentralized technologies such as blockchain and smart contracts empower communities to self-organize and govern themselves through networked sovereignty. These networks are borderless, leveraging the power of digital infrastructure to foster collaboration, resilience, and a sense of shared purpose. I also delved into the idea of “supersidiarity,” where local communities intentionally delegate decision-making to higher levels for the most effective governance.

This presentation drew upon my preprint: Calzada, I. (2024), (Libertarian) Decentralized Web3 Map: In Search of a Post-Westphalian Territory. SSRN. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4937294, which investigates how decentralized Web3 technologies are forging a new landscape for governance beyond the traditional Westphalian state model.

The residency was an excellent opportunity to engage with forward-thinking individuals on how these new systems of sovereignty can address global challenges and offer sustainable models of cooperation beyond the constraints of traditional governance. More details about the programme can be found on the SOAM website.

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