Dr Igor Calzada will deliver a presentation on 25th September 2015 in Glasgow in the PechaKucha event entitle 'Visions of Future of Cities' at the Institute for Future Cities at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. He will provide some recommendations regarding the strategic change...

In July 9-10, the Political Innovation Summer School took place in St. Sebastian - Donostia (Basque Country - Spain). The summer school aims to gather politicians, social movements, academics, entrepreneurs/activists, managers, journalist, officers and so on. The focus will be the territorial debate regarding the...

Here is a Call for Papers I am convening with Dr Herrschel, Newman and Pedersen for the UACES 45th Annual Conference, Bilbao, Spain, 7-9 September 2015 entitled: 'European City-Regions and the Re-Scaling of the Nation-State: The Role of Cities in the Quest for Self Determination...