14 Oct ‘Demos-Ethos: A framework to study the Icelandic & Basque cases through Critical Social Innovation and Applied Ethics’ in Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research after intensive fieldwork 2013-2015
Here the article entitled ‘Demos-Ethos: a framework to study the Icelandic and Basque cases through Critical Social Innovation and Applied Ethics‘ and published in Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research.
During the week of 22nd to 29th September 2013, I spent the field work trip collecting data in Reykjavik (Iceland) for my postdoctoral project ‘Benchmarking Future City-Regions’.
Those days, I shared this trip and this part of my PostDoctoral research project with Dr Antonio Casado from the University of the Basque Country. At the end of the week, on 27th September, we shared our work in progress research initial findings, delivering a lecture at the University of Iceland titled: Basque & Iceland Connection.
Dr Calzada, Prof Karlsson, Prof Haraldsson and Dr Casado at #University of #Iceland in #Reykjavik @Haskoli_Islands
Started in 2006, now again in 2013
Beginning 2006:
Today, early in the morning, it was a sunny with a blue sky. It reminded me of seven years ago when I departed to the north, green landscapes, in the full ice-covered country at winter time. A territory that I had wanted to discover and explore many years previously. Despite being famous for its uniqueness reflected in its music creators (Björk, after SigurRos, Múm and others), Iceland is following an interesting path of a Micro-State with an alternative Cultural, Linguistic and Scientific Policy (after 2008 even its Democratic Policy):
My first time there was in 2006, just after directing the Creative Capital Summer School in St. Sebastian (Basque Country – Spain) organized by the Basque Public University at the Miramar Palace. This addressed three main research topics (here the summary in Spanish) (and the expired www.elcapitalcreativo.org summary & photo summary about the Summer School):
- Creative Economy and Industries.
- Work, Creativity & Social Innovation.
- Creative Territories & Communities.
There was a published outcome of the Summer School in a DVD format.
This Summer School had a previous edition in 2005 and a post edition at 2007. The three editions completed a trilogy that can be seen here.
Actually, I have to confess it was the first time I came across the concept of Social Innovation. Indeed, that was just after inviting and meeting personally Geoff Mulgan from the Young Foundation at that time (now NESTA UK Director). Apart from this, I invited another relevant speaker with an important mission: Prof Agust Einarsson from the University of Iceland and MP in 2006. I thought Iceland had many things to share with us, the Basques (also some sad story gathered in a saga about 31 Basque whalers who were killed by Icelanders after a fight in 1613!) . First of all, the main the reason for that collaboration: the alternative cultural industries position as a small player from which we can learn many things. Small territories with such a different geopolitical position but not with a usual way of thinking strategically.
However, if it seems I am changing the subject from my personal/professional pathway perspective, it is actually not the case. After coming back from this territory, I self-portraited the picture above taken from a really cheap digital camera. And the idea came to my mind automatically: I had to produce songs/music with that. So I set up, #FasTFatum as an alter ego of my starting musical journey in Iceland 2006. Here is the album I self-recorded and produced in my homemade studio. It took me nine days over the Easter holidays to record the ten songs plus a cover version as bonus track.
In 2007 I released a music album (in spotify) and also a short-film “To ever dream”. I should say there is a song titted #Reykjavik and also another song titled #Björk&Marilym. Moreover, my first composed song was named #Iceland (recently performed in Oxford).
I pulled counciously #FasTFatum (as a nickname/alter ego) apart, due to professional reasons: weird & unbelievably, still in 2006 there was a big incomprehension about talking/doing together both, professionally & personally about #Creativity #Culture #Entrepreneurship and #Innovation by that time. Right now, I think #FasTFatum as a creative/musical project is over with the need of using a nickname/alter ego; maybe incorporating it into the person, into myself, forever. Therefore, I will not be making an effort to be explicit about how a person can try to do creative things while self-expressing himself. Simply, this time is over.
In a few hours I will be departing to ICELAND, seven years after my first visit. Many things have happened to this country (and even to me as well) in this time. I am doing this joint research field work trip, with a #basque #scientific partner: Dr Casado from the Public Basque University.
This time we are both involved in a research project titled: “#Basque & #Icelandic #Connection from the Social Innovation & Applied Ethics perspective”. We will be lecturing at a seminar summarizing our research project at HÍ, Philosophy Department, on the 27th September at the University of Iceland, in Reykjavik. Eager to meet you in Iceland, Antonio, Mike & Barbara, and the rest of people. #OnTheRoad
Let’s keep on informing each other about this #WorkInProgress & #Field #work research, while I am listening to this. Indeed, I cannot avoid putting together music & research. Are they not both sides of the same coin, of the same beautiful landscape in front of us? Keep the eyes open, keep the soul alive.
“There is only one way to #understand another #culture. Living it.” (Høeg 2005) #comparative #research #fieldwork
Updates at @icalzada
Why #Iceland is relevant for the #Basque Country seeing from any political party’s paradigm? Everybody says: “I am also #Icelandic”.
Dr Igor Calzada (University of Oxford & Ikerbasque), Jon Gnarr (Mayor of Reykjavik City, Iceland) & Dr Antonio Casado (University of the Basque Country)
Is #Icelandic current situation, a genius for #simplicity with a hint of #anarcho #surrealism ? @eskuezkerraz #fieldwork at @Haskoli_Islands
In #1615 Martin de Villafranca tripulated crew was killed by #Icelanders really a 30 fishermen slaughter and a saga described how violently they killed 27 years old captain. Throwing stones… killing the captain… as a whale. #History
This is the sad way #Basque & #Iceland #Connection started with #basques whalers in #Iceland. An interesting documentary shows this fact (in spanish) http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/television/reportero-historia—14-11-10/930710/ …
“#Iceland has abundant natural resources that even the most overexuberant financiers and politicians could not damage too much.” by @FT
Dr Calzada, Prof Einarsson and Dr Casado.
Dr Casado, Prof Bergmann and Dr Calzada.
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