16 Nov Cervantes Institute > EU Cities and Creativity (Berlin, Germany)
I was invited by the Institute to give a conference and discuss a broad variety of Cities in the EU (Dublin, Helsinki, Manchester, Belfast, Bilbao and Berlin), maybe my most favourite ones so far. The Conference was titled: “EU Cities & Creativity”. The main point of the presentation was about the Future of Work though. I tried to link the labour forecast with the city prospective scenarios.
It was relevant to address the vital energy that some of these cities are deploying by the civilian participation in local and urban communities. I think there are many things that we could learn from our basque networked town-system.
Berlin, hor dago Berlin, Fernsehturm dorreak zelatari moduan gau eta egun ikuskatzen duen hiria. Adreilu marroietan graffiti-ak nonahi eta harresi bat: desagertu baina gizabanako guztien zamaren gainean oraindik buruan daroagun banaketa, kodigo binario ezabaezina, urte askotarako. Bitartean, eraldatzea, egunerokotasuna den hiri bat, Berlin.
Berlin, Germany.
17th Nov. 2007.
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