Dr Calzada took part in the roundtable organised by Ezkerraberri Foundation (which belongs to Aralar, left independentist political Basque party). He discussed with Dr Goikoetxea from the University of the Basque Country, while the moderator will be Iñaki Soto, Director of the Basque newspaper, GARA...

‘Smart city’ has already become a ‘fetish’ term to simplify complex urban debates in an uneven techno-deterministically-driven hyper-connected society. This paper compares strategically and ethnographically four specific city-region cases located in two European nation-states: Bristol and Glasgow in the UK, and Bilbao and Barcelona in...

This policy report, entitled 'Global Sustainable City-Regions' is the direct outcome of the new MSc Master Programme in Global Sustainable Cities jointly carried about the lecturer, Dr Igor Calzada, MBA and the seven participants/students working comparatively on seven global city-regional case-studies, as follows: Mumbai, Shenzhen,...

Dr Calzada was invited by the University of Torino in Italy to give a lecture on Smart City. He deployed a conceptualisation regarding smartness, devolution, social innovation and political innovation. Specially, the conference focused on the sharing economy initiatives....