07 Feb ‘Social Innovation & Local Development’ Event by Elhuyar Consultancy, Beterri Agency & Gipuzkoa Province Council
As a collaboration with Elhuyar Consultancy located in the Basque Country, regarding the Social Innovation methodology that have been designing for the new Beterri Local Agency, supported by the Gipuzkoa Province Council, Dr Igor Calzada ended up the event with a keynote presentation from Montevideo Uruguay by video-conference.
For the event, the organisers and he achieved finally such a good technical conditions to allow the real on-line connectivity. Therefore, the conference was successfully delivered from Montevideo directly and on-line. In addition, Dr Igor Calzada with local collaborators in Uruguay prepared beforehand a 17 min video just in case the skype video-conference could fail. Here the video he prepared with the kind help of local agents in Uruguay.
The conference was entitled: ‘Social Innovation for Territorial Strategies: Nine Backdoors & One Outdoor’.
Igor Calzadak, eskerrak eman nahi dizkio Elhuyar Aholkularitzari eta bereziki, Aizpea Otaegi eta Oihana Garciari, elkarrekin burutu/irekitako lankidetzagatik.
Here is the presentation as well:
This policy paper is referenced as follows:
Calzada, I. (2015), Gizarte Berrikuntza: Lurraldegintza Estrategikorako. Policy Paper < > Politika-Txostena. Ikerketa Estrategikoa. BeteBerritzen Proiektua. [Elhuyar Aholkularitza, Gipuzkoa Foru Aldundia eta Beterri]. TransLoKal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making – Publishing, Donostia. ISBN: 84-942752-5-9.
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