(Basque) Diaspore 2.0?

Nearly one year ago, I watched the “AmerikanUak” film at the  St. Sebastian International Film Festival. It reminded me of many things: Moments and landscapes in which I lived for a year and a half around the Western USA. For sure, it is a really good insight (I would underline the good music of a local Audience group from Gernika). Furthermore I will keep on writing, taking into account this good documentary film which I found really interesting in order to REMIX and REMAKE past notes and ideas.

Zorionak to the Amerikanuak’s film team.

Recently, I received this video from a friend from Aragon, Spain. Maybe the story repeats itself, with other actors and other origins, but at the end of the day everything boils down to the same story. The same Diaspora story.

At the moment I am writing down this post in a red couch in the Arts Courthouse of Ennystimon, Co.Clare, West of Ireland. I talked and bumped into really interesting artists, film-makers, singers, craftspeople…and even started thinking about how the Irish Diaspora was really different from the rest of the Diaspore processes. It is funny how the weak point of some identity (for me language in the case of Irish-Gaelic is just the opposite in the case of Basque) could be just reinforced with a strength point like Diaspora. At the moment, due to the big recession and the death of the “Celtic Tiger” many of Irelands talented young people are emigrating to Australia mainly to get a job.

Is that a 2.0 Diaspora?

And how should this work for us as Basques, this 2.0 Diaspora? Do we need to emigrate? In cases where we want to work with the external collectivities, how should we manage and face it? How could we enable technologies (if they can) with this change of concept and make it real? How is the 2.0 Diaspora connected to crisis, recession, the way we choose the place we want to live/work, how we relate with each other, our real communities, and the translocal condition? Many questions…lots of skeptical views/opinions. But I think this is just the starting point of a multilocalization life style. A life (still) with a centre or a vital hub for each of us, such as our hometown, our piece of landand identity, or our territory.

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