Donostia 2016 Euskara/Basque

As a consequence of the Donostia-St Sebastian Cultural Capital City 2016 preparation phase, I was invited by the organization to talk openly about the Basque language challenges in some years time. In addition to a large amount of quantitative and sociolinguistic data that many institutions provide, there is a qualitative ethnographic that can be explained by scenario planning.

Likewise, the analysis pointed out the great outstanding features of the Basque language to find out its own way to be developed in the society.

2016 Donostian, euskara prospektiboki iruzkintzen.


2016 in St. Sebastian, prospecting basque language in a mind map.

2016 Donostia St Sebastian European Cultural Capital City

Oharra: K.Izagirre, A.Arkotxa, G.Egia, J.Muñoz, A.Urkiza eta A.Urretabizkaia-ren ekarpenak gustora eta tentuz irakurri ostean.

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