Exploring Coordi-Nations and New Network Sovereignties: Research Workshop and Public Conference. Healdsburg, California (USA), 17-27 June 2024

From July 17-27, 2023, I had the pleasure of attending and presenting at the Research Workshop and Public Conference in Healdsburg, California, titled “Exploring Coordi-Nations and New Network Sovereignties”. This event was a deep dive into how network sovereignties—decentralized systems of governance—are reshaping the landscape of global coordination and cooperation.

The concept of network sovereignties challenges the traditional Westphalian notion of sovereignty by empowering localities to work together in decentralized, interdependent networks. These networks offer a powerful alternative for managing global challenges like climate change, digital rights, and economic inequalities, all while protecting local autonomy.

During the event, I presented my research on Coordi-Nations, discussing how AI and blockchain technologies are essential tools in fostering these new forms of governance. The presentation emphasized the role of distributed networks in enabling sustainable collaboration and creating more resilient and flexible systems of global cooperation.

This workshop was an incredible opportunity to engage with experts across disciplines, exchanging ideas about how to harness network sovereignties for global good. Stay tuned for more updates and developments as this important research continues to evolve.

For more information about the workshop or to explore further, please reach out to the event organizers.

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