21 Oct PostDoctoral project presentation > FlexibleCity International Symposium > Future Of Cities Programme > University of Oxford (UK)
The Oxford Future of Cities Programme organized the Flexible City International Symposium from 23rd to 25th October. I took part presenting a paper with my work-in-progress PostDoctoral Research project about The Future of City-Regions <> Comparative Territorial Benchmarking/Connections, specifically presenting the Basque & Oresund Connection case-study.
Here it is the programme and the panel of speakers.
For me it was a pleasure, being part of the Oxford Future of Cities Programme. Thanks the Co-Directors, Prof Michael Keith & Steve Rayner, and also my colleagues (Michele, Ebru, Idalina and Ben). Special thanks to: Dr Lezaun at InSIS & Fredrik Björk from the University of Malmö (Sweden).
Here is the video and the brief extract of my paper:
The video starts at 31:00 until 43:36.
Matthew Gandy’s “The fabric of space: water, modernity and urban imagination” Closing Lecture on 25th Oct.
#Urban #Research #Challenges Roundtable at St. Anne’s College Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre moderated by the Prof Keith:
#Copenhagen #Oresund good practice on 25th Oct:
Manfield’s College Gala Dinner at #Oxford:
International Symposium in-action 24th Oct:
Prof Neil Brenner’s Urban Theory Lab presentation in the Opening Lecture: “Urban theory without an outside”.
23rd Oct Early Career Workshop
Acknowledegement to the informants participating in the Field work from 2010-2013 in the Oresund and in the Basque Country:
The www.cityregions.org research project directed by Dr Igor Calzada at the University of Oxford (UK) in collaboration with Fredrik Björk at the University of Malmö (Sweden) would like to acknowledge the informants that took part in the Ethnographic field work via interviews and group dynamics carried out from the period of 2010-2013 in both european territorial locations: On the one hand, in the Basque Country where 98 informants participated and in Oresund Region where 44 informants did it. The final result of the this comparative research case will be disseminate in the http://www.cityregions.org
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