15 Apr Interview in the Public Basque TV (coming back from the USA) > Elkarrizketa ETB1 Kalifornia
In the Basque Public TV, EiTB, I was interviewed by sharing perceptions and connections (as I always like to call them), about the current diagnosis of the Basque Country. Topics that were mentioned in the interview: Google, participation, politics, governance, identity, globalization, among others.
ETB1en, Luis Mendizabal kazetariak, Igor Calzada elkarrizketatu du, “Kalifornia” telebista programaren irekiera lehenengo saioan. // Igor Calzada was inteviewed in the ETB1 Basque Public TV. // Igor Calzada fue entrevistado por ETB1 en el nuevo programa “Kalifornia”.
Topics they talked about:
– Google.
– Burning Man.
– Social Innovation and Creativity.
– Cities: Donostia 2016 vs. San Francisco, Portland, Seattle.
– Basque Country: To a Basque City?
– Where r u from?
– Euskara 2.0
– IdentitateaK.
– Web 2.0 and Social Networks. (And Web 3.0?)
– eParticipation.
– …
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