The Club of Rome has a group in the Basque Country organizing seminars systematically. I was invited to talk about "Welcome to the Basque City-Region" in order to explain the future scenarios and strategic challenges of the Basque Country becoming a policentric City-Region. The seminar...
Kindly invited by the European Studies Institute, Euroculture Programme of the University of Deusto (the university where I graduated and obtained my MBA), on 20th June 2012, I gave a paper titled: "How could we activate Cultural Citizenship across City-Regions in Europe? Spaces for Interaction...
On 9th May, 2012, I gave a conference at the Digital Citizenship Congress in my hometown St. Sebastian. The title of the paper was: Technology, Social Capital & Territory....
As a consequence of the Networked Gipuzkoa project funded by Gipuzkoa Province Council and St Sebastian City Council, I presented an accepted paper at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, at The Governance of Large-Scale Projects International Symposium that took place on 2nd October...
On 22nd August 2011, just after arriving from a Gothenburg talk and Copenhagen Conference, I gave a Lecture Seminar about "Social Innovation? Same Questions & Different Locations" chaired by Fredrik Björk. I consider this was the first time I started considering introducing Oresund into my...
From August the 18th to the 20th in 2011, I attended a highly interesting conference that took place at Prags Boulevard 43 in Copenhagen. The conference addressed issues such as: City Development & Empty Buildings. It gave me a good chance to carry out field...
In August 2008, I was invited by Ennistymon's (West of Ireland, Co. Clare) Arts and Cultural Festival 2011 as a guest speaker to give a talk about "The Power of Local". I mainly talked about two concepts that could be applied to territories such...
Invited by the Basque nationalist political parties coalition in Navarra (Spain), in April 2011 I participated with Prof Daniel Innerarity and Antoni Gutierrez-Rubí in an event about Principles for Political Innovation that was organized in Pamplona (Spain)....